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Is it possible to stop the progression of Parkinson’s?

Parkinsonism is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease that mainly affects a person’s movements. Although, unfortunately, there is currently no direct way to completely stop the progression of Parkinson’s, numerous studies and clinical observations show that early detection, appropriate treatment and a healthy lifestyle can significantly slow its progression and improve a patient’s quality of life. Let’s take a look at…

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What should you not do if you have Parkinson’s disease?

What should you not do if you have Parkinson’s? This issue occupies an important place in the lives of those who face this neurodegenerative disease. Parkinson’s disease is a complex condition that requires special attention to health and lifestyle. There are a number of actions and habits that can worsen the course of the disease and the patient’s quality of…

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How can Parkinson’s disease be treated?

The issue of treating Parkinson’s disease is becoming increasingly relevant as the number of people suffering from this chronic neurodegenerative disease increases. Symptoms of the disease, such as decreased muscle control, trembling, and slow movement, have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. As a result, there is increasing interest in various methods of treating and managing this condition…

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Is it possible to be completely cured of Parkinson’s disease?

Is it possible to be completely cured of Parkinson’s disease? This question worries many who are faced with this neurodegenerative disease or have a loved one suffering from it. This disease, characterized by the progressive degradation of neurons responsible for the coordination of movements, undoubtedly has a serious impact on the lives of patients and their loved ones. Despite significant…

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How to stop the progression of Parkinson’s?

Today we would like to share with you information about Parkinson’s and modern methods of treatment aimed at stopping the progression of this disease. Parkinson’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by the gradual loss of neurons in the brain, especially in the area responsible for controlling movement. This leads to symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, muscle stiffness and balance…

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Which drug is considered the mainstay in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a disease that affects the brain cells responsible for producing dopamine, leading to trembling, stiffness and problems with coordination and balance. Treatment for Parkinson’s disease is aimed at restoring dopamine balance and improving motor function and other manifestations of the disease. Doctors may prescribe levodopa, dopamine agonists, anticholinergic drugs, COMT inhibitors, and MAO-B inhibitors to relieve symptoms….

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How should Parkinson’s disease be treated?

The Neuro Implant Clinic provides comprehensive treatment for Parkinson’s disease using advanced methods and technologies. It is important to begin the process of diagnosis and therapy in a timely manner, since this disease represents a serious challenge for both the patient and his loved ones. Is there a chance of a complete cure? Today, doctors have developed effective methods of…

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Coping styles in the face of degenerative disease

Not everyone agrees with the news that they have a degenerative disease. Knowing the different types of receiving the news will help us to help that person to accept their illness more quickly. Therefore, today, we talk about coping styles in the face of degenerative disease. Coping strategies for the disease We define coping as the cognitive and behavioral strategies…

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Getting Fit, Staying Fit During Middle Age

Creating Your Fitness at 40 and Fitness at 50 Plan It’s obvious to anyone over 40 and 50, staying fit isn’t as easy as it used to be. At middle age, it seems that our bodies have priorities other than building bigger muscles and looking like a 20-year old. And, let’s not talk about (but we will) the demands of…

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The Benefits of Middle-Age Fitness

Gretchen Reynolds on the science of fitness. Americans are living longer, with our average life expectancy now surpassing 78 years, up from less than 74 years in 1980. But we are not necessarily living better. The incidence of a variety of chronic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, has also been growing dramatically, particularly among people who are not yet…

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